Words and Music, a performance by Terry Waite CBE

“Words and Music”, a perfomance by Terry Waite CBE, will be presented on Thursday 9th June in St Paul’s Church Sandgate commencing at 7pm and forming part of the Church’s 200th anniversary celebrations.

Terry Waite will read selected passages from his book: Out of the Silence. The reading will be interspersed with music played and sung by the accomplished musician Vicky Yannoula. The words and music blend together to provide an unforgettable reflective evening.

“Good language, like good music, has the capacity to breathe harmony into the soul. In a world torn apart by conflict it is hoped that those attending will experience something of that harmony”. Terry Waite.

The event will finish at 9pm, with an interval.

This is a ticketed event. Tickets cost £15 and will be available at all Sunday morning St. Paul’s services and at the Benefice service at St. Paul’s Church on Sunday 29th May. Tickets will also be available to purchase online. The details can be found on the Trinity Benefice website, on the St. Paul’s Church page at www.trinitybenefice.co.uk

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