F&HDC Community Group & Charity Update Feb 2021

Folkestone Town Centre Place Plan development

This is a message for services and charities who support residents of Folkestone and who are interested in being part of the stakeholder group for the development of Folkestone Town Centre.  We Made That have been commissioned to engage with stakeholders in the development of the plans. For more information see the attachment and the press release here:


If you are interested in feeding into the development of the plans, please email Alex Sansom at communitydevelopment@folkestone-hythe.gov.uk with a contact name, organisation name, email address and a brief sentence on your role in Folkestone for me to pass on to We Made That.

Social Prescribing Webinar

The National Academy for Social Prescribing are delivering a free webinar on Wednesday 17th February, 3pm.

This webinar is designed for those in voluntary, community, faith, and social enterprise groups and organisations who want to learn more about how the NHS is structured and how social prescribing fits in. Find out what is an ICS, STP or PCN. Understand the NHS’ structure, its jargon, and how social prescribing fits in.

In this webinar you will hear:

·       how the NHS is structured and how it works on a local level

·       how social prescribing fits in with the NHS and local authorities to build an effective social prescribing ‘eco-system’

·       about the impact social prescribing link workers are having on primary care

·       how community groups and organisations can work effectively with their local NHS and social prescribing structures

Please visit the Eventbrite page to register.

Job Opportunity

RMDC are recruiting a Services Manager to join the team. See the attached advert.

People can access the job description, person specification and job application on the website www.rmdc.org.uk or email jon.wilson@rmdc.org.uk for more information and an application form.

Closing date is Friday 19 February 2021.  Interviews will be held on Friday 26 February 2021.

Specialist Volunteers Ready to Help Kent Charities

Stronger Kent Communities (SKC) are in contact with specialist volunteers who can offer their skills to assist your organisation.

Examples of the types of volunteers and their skills that could assist your organisation with a task or project are:

·       Website Developer

·       IT Professional

·       Impact & Evaluation Volunteer

·       Professional Photographer

·       Student volunteers such as accountancy and media, are also looking for volunteering tasks and roles, as part of their courses

If you would like to enquire about a specialist volunteer to help your organisation, please fill in the online form here:


Hold the Date – ‘Staying Connected’

Folkestone & Hythe District Council in partnership with Red Zebra, are planning the next virtual Community Networking Event, ‘Staying Connected’.

The provisional time and date is 10am on 25th February.  Look out for the invitation next week with further details.