Folkestone & Hythe District Council Consultation: Have your say on proposed licensing policy
Residents and businesses have a chance to comment on a new licensing policy for the Folkestone & Hythe District until 27 October 2021.
Each licensing application is determined on its own merits but the council’s licensing policy provides guidance when evaluating these. The proposed updated version of the policy contains recommended opening hours as a guide.
This licensing policy is required to be refreshed every five years and the latest update will cover the period from 2021 – 2026.
Consultation on this licensing policy will be open for nine weeks after which time all feedback will be collated and considered and any amendments made to the document as appropriate. It is intended that this subsequent version of licensing policy will return to Planning and Licensing Committee and then full council in November 2021.
To view the draft of the Licensing Policy and find out how to comment please visit